Parkburn Meet DSM Dyneema Asia Pacific
13th August 2019

Shon Laird (Parkburn Business Development – Asia Pacific) was pleased to visit the Singapore test centre of DSM Dyneema. Shon was graciously hosted by Mr Liu Yong-Le (Neil), DSM Dyneema’s Technical Manager APAC.
At the facility Neil and his team proudly display ropes and slings made with Dyneema® fibre. Light weight, high strength synthetics are proving a real game changer in onshore and offshore lifting. The ease of handling results in faster rigging times and enhanced safety commented Neil.
Parkburn chose Lankhorst’s Lankodeep rope made with DSM’s latest DM20 XBO Dyneema® fibre for MacGregor’s recently launched FibreTrac 1500 crane. This major development is a result of a multiyear project to bring to the market a fully functioning 150t fibre rope crane. In addition to Parkburn’s revolutionary Deep Water Capstan and Lankhorst rope using DSM’s Dyneema® fibre, the successful MacGregor team also included Applied Fiber’s advanced rope terminations and VisionTek’s rope monitoring system. The FibreTrac crane received its certification earlier this year and the crane is now being marketed worldwide by MacGregor.
2019, Asia-Pacific, DSM Dyneema, Meeting, Singapore